Board of Directors

To consult the Board of Directors mandate, please click here.

To consult the role and responsibilities of the Chair of the Board, please click here.

To consult the role and responsibilities of the Lead Director, please click here.

To consult the role and responsibilities of the President and Chief Executive Officer, please click here.


Audit Committee

  • Nelson Gentiletti (President)
  • Serge Boulanger
  • Anna Martini
  • Annie Thabet

Human Resources and Compensation Committee

  • Jacynthe Côté (President)
  • Serge Boulanger
  • Anna Martini
  • Jean Raymond

Governance and Social Responsibility Committee

  • Mario Plourde (President)
  • Nelson Gentiletti
  • Yves Leduc
  • Annie Thabet

Lead Director

  • Jacynthe Côté

To consult the Audit Committee mandate, please click here.

To consult the role and responsibilities of the Chair of the Audit Committee, please click here.

To consult the Human Resources and Compensation Committee mandate, please click here.

To consult the role and responsibilities of the Chair of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee, please click here.

To consult the Governance and Social Responsibility Committee mandate, please click here.

To consult the role and responsibilities of the Chair of the Governance and Social Responsibility Committee, please click here.