Give us a challenge, any challenge

Interested in how we approach customer-specific flexible packaging challenges? Then you’re going to love reading our success stories.

But they’re not really our success stories. They’re our customers’ success stories. And we’d love to help create some for you.

Success Story

Collaboration between customer and multiple vendors heightens brand awareness

Challenge - To create a package design that would look consistent with the custom printed upright carton for brand recognition, merchandising and communication.

Solution - A brainstorming session was held with Swedish Match, the customer, their table top merchandising vendor and TC Transcontinental Packaging – Ultraflex Facility.

A combination of film and holographic foil was chosen. Characteristics of the film not only had to keep the product fresh but had to be compatible with the customer's current machinery.

A proprietary screen technology was used to enhance the printing of the cigar smoke to be seen through the busy holographic design.

Result - An innovative package design was created to draw the attention of the consumer. Innovations in products, packaging design and merchandising have become increasingly important to the tobacco industry as a means of communicating with the consumer, as other avenues of promotion have closed due to bans on print, outdoor advertising, and other sponsored promotions.