Measure Twice. Cut Once.
To drive your advertising and power your business success you need up-to-the-minute consumer insights and data.
We understand retail and dig deep on consumer behaviours and brand research to fuel our strategic thinking and planning. This allows us to create content that works seamlessly across multiple channels – such as print, digital, packaging, in-store and social media – to increase your content efficiency. When it comes to content, it’s better to “create once and use multiple times” so you can optimize your budget. Our philosophy is PLAN > CREATE > ASSEMBLE > MANAGE.
TC Transcontinental Premedia has developed a method around creating affordable, high quality, high frequency, content at scale.

Through effective pre-planning with all key stakeholders we identify opportunities to leverage an existing spend or maximize a pre-determined budget.
Our unique offering is the ability to provide high quality, relevant content at a scale that represents the needs of our customers from small to large. Our content creation experts can provide inspiring photography, video, and copy from anything from a label to an instore sign, or support a full-scale marketing campain.
Our Assembly engine is where our expertise comes together. It is a combination of content that we create, ingest, and manage with brand standards and technical specifications. All this is done with the end channel in mind. In this dynamic marketing world, applying the content to the right piece for the right application is imperative.
We provide customers a comprehensive and transparent workflows. These include custom workflows using tools such as Soft Proofing, Digital Asset Management, Content Management, Job Management and a complete packaging workflow. This provides our customers visibility into jobs, approval processes, and simplified searching for all content.
We can be more predictive and capitalize on content creation efficiencies and identify opportunities to maximize your budget. The result is that you are able to deliver more affordable content that’s consistent, on-strategy and engaging, across multiple channels and customer touch points. It’s time to outsmart vs outspend the competition. Think you’re ready for a change? Let’s talk.