TC Transcontinental Packaging Wins FTA Innovations in Sustainability Award for its Integritite™ PCR Collation Shrink Film

Chicago, Illinois, May 11, 2021 – TC Transcontinental Packaging is thrilled to announce that it was named the Winner for Innovations in Sustainability in this year’s Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) Sustainability Excellence Award competition for its IntegrititeTM post-consumer recycled collation shrink film.
This sustainable film includes 33% of post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic, is close to par with virgin plastic resin performance, is pre-approved by the How2Recycle® for in-store drop-off and looks great on the shelf. This PCR-containing film also has lower impact on the environment compared to a virgin IntegrititeTM shrink film. Through a life cycle assessment using the COMPASS® Comparative Packaging Assessment software developed by Trayak LLC and endorsed by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), the analysis shows that the IntegrititeTM 33% PCR collation shrink film:
• Uses less fossil fuel, in particular because using PCR resin displaces virgin polymer production, reducing the use of fossil fuel feedstocks as raw materials.
• Lowers greenhouse gas emissions, because using PCR resin displaces virgin petrochemical-based resins, reducing GHG emissions caused by the processing of raw materials.
• Uses less water, because processing PCR resin requires less water than manufacturing virgin resin.
“It is very exciting and gratifying to receive such an award and to be recognized by our industry peers in developing sustainable packaging solutions, said Rebecca Casey, Senior Vice President, Marketing & Strategy at TC Transcontinental Packaging. This award is a tribute to our collaborative approach between our cross functional teams, The Coca-Cola Company, and the co-packer. This partnership drove collaborative innovation. We created value for recycled plastic waste, we pushed the bar further in sustainability, and we maintained our circular economy objectives as a top priority.”
This sustainable packaging was first commercialized in Fall 2020 in collaboration with AHA® Sparkling Water, a brand of The Coca-Cola Company, and can be found on select Sam’s and BJ's Club Store shelves in Ohio, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Delaware.
As signatories of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, TC Transcontinental shares the vision that plastic never becomes waste. This award-winning product shows the company’s commitment to developing sustainable packaging and reaching its goals of achieving, by 2025, a 10% use of PCR content on average by weight, across all plastics in its product basket.
About TC Transcontinental Packaging
TC Transcontinental Packaging, the Packaging Sector of TC Transcontinental (TSX: TCL.A TCL.B), is a leader in flexible packaging with operations mostly in the United States, as well as in Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, Ecuador, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and China with about 3,800 employees. Its platform is comprised of one premedia studio and 26 production plants specializing in recycling, extrusion, lamination, printing and converting. TC Transcontinental Packaging offers a variety of flexible plastic products, including rollstock, bags and pouches, shrink films and bags, and advanced coatings, servicing a variety of markets, including dairy, coffee, meat and poultry, pet food, agriculture, beverage, home and personal care, industrial, consumer products and medical. For more information, visit TC Transcontinental's website at
About the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) Sustainability Excellence Award
The FTA Sustainability Excellence Award is given to companies who demonstrate a commitment to and pursuit of sustainable package printing. Entries are judged either as sustainability programs—programs implemented in a facility that have served to reduce the environmental impact of printing or improve workers’ health/safety—or as innovations in sustainability—new technology, formulations or techniques that have been developed to reduce the environmental impact of printing or improve workers’ health/safety.
Since 1958, FTA has been providing the means to an end: Enabling flexographers to grow their skills, connect with likeminded individuals, expand their reachable market and drive flexography to package printing dominance.
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For more information:
Nathalie St-Jean
Senior Advisor, Corporate Communications
TC Transcontinental
Media U.S.
Abbie Ansburg
Marketing Communications Manager
TC Transcontinental Packaging
Financial Community
Yan Lapointe
Director, Investor Relations
TC Transcontinental